Sunday, July 29, 2007

I used to write poems, just recently started writing again.
My poems are very simple.
This one that I'm posting today comes from a Sunday School class I was in a couple of weeks ago.
The teacher, Melissa was using the scripture in the Old Testament where God told the people how to make a sweet smelling perfume, that's where he wanted to be the the midst of this perfume. We talked about being in God's presence and having a fragrance about us, so that everyone would know where we have been.

What's that fragrance you're wearing?
I noticed it when you walked in the door,
I don't know that I have ever smelled
that fragrance before.

It's the sweetest aroma,
As you've been in the presence of God most High,
I don't know what it is,
But I feel that God is very near by.

It's very different,
and it has saturated you thru and thru,
Come and sit beside me, tell me about your God,
and what He can do.

Could you sharre why you're so different,
is it your fragrant perfume,
tell me, I want to know Him
I sensed Him when you walked in the room.


I got to keep Jonah and Finley Friday, almost for the whole day. It was wonderful. but Nonna was whooped (if whooped is a word) I was whooped. We had fun. Mostly just playing and chasing Finley to make sure she didn't get into something she didn't need to get into. It was great. I enjoyed my day off from work.

We were supposed to go and stain the cabinets at the new house Saturday. Since I was having great difficulty moving very fast, I'm sort of tickled that it was postponed to a later time.